God willing, this App was built lilahitaala, with the permission of Allah subhanahuataala,App that provides a collection of religious studies or lectures from the Al-Istiqlaliyah Cilongok Big Family,Fiqh studies, Sufism studies, Toriqoh stories, Waliullah stories and othersI hope this media makes users, especially admins, more merciful to Rosulullah Muhammad SAW, and the Companions, the Ulama, the Habaib, the experts of Allah, and mahabba to those whom Allah loves, amen, oh Allah, rabbal alamin.#KH. Uci Turtusi#father Uci#abuya Entoh#abuya uci#KH. Iim Imanuddin#cilongokbigfamily#Islamic boarding schoolAlistiqlaliyah